Donate Directly To Your Charity of Choice
100% of all donations made through will be forwarded to the charity selected by the donor!
Thank you for visiting the By The Hand Foundation website, and your generosity to make a donation. As a reminder… By The Hand does not retain any of your donation. We are strictly here to encourage individuals like yourself to donate, and to make the process easier and allow the donor to remain anonymous. By selecting one of the below donation amounts, 100% of your donation will go directly to your charity of choice.
100% of all donations made through will be forwarded to the charity selected by the donor!
Thank you for visiting the By The Hand Foundation website, and your generosity to make a donation. As a reminder… By The Hand does not retain any of your donation. We are strictly here to encourage individuals like yourself to donate, and to make the process easier and allow the donor to remain anonymous. By selecting one of the below donation amounts, 100% of your donation will go directly to your charity of choice.
If you have received an invitation for a special donation campaign, please use the link you were provided to ensure the conditions of that invitation are achieved. Otherwise, please feel free use this page for your donation.